Singing Guide: Fetty Wap

Singing Guide: Fetty Wap

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Fetty Wap is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter, who rose to fame in 2014 with his hit single "Trap Queen". He has a unique singing-rapping style that incorporates both high and low registers, melodic harmonies, and a distinctive vibrato. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Fetty Wap and showcase his unique vocal abilities.

One of the first steps in learning to sing like Fetty Wap is to practice his unique vibrato. Vibrato is a technique that involves rapid and slight changes in pitch that give a singer's voice a more emotional and nuanced quality. You can practice vibrato through the singing exercises provided on the Singing Carrots website, particularly the beggars bounce video.

Another technique that is essential to Fetty Wap's style is the mixing of high and low registers. This technique involves transitioning seamlessly between your chest and head voice, which can be challenging for many singers. To practice this technique, check out the chest voice video, which gives practical tips and exercises on how to develop strong and powerful chest voice singing. Understanding one's singing range and voice type – both provided in Voice range test – can also be crucial in constructing a piece that matches one's own sound.

Breath support and control are also important. In songs such as "Trap Queen," Fetty Wap makes use of melodic runs that require excellent breathing control. To develop good breathing technique, check out the breath support article on the Singing Carrots website along with the sustain vocal video.

When it comes to singing like Fetty Wap, it's also essential to develop a sense of rhythm, timing and phrasing just as expressed on how to analyze your voice, warm ups, and how to learn a song effectively articles. Listening to his songs for inspiration, imitating his unique style, and making use of relevant Singing Carrots resources will help you develop and fine-tune these skills.

Finally, it's important to choose the right songs to showcase your skills when singing like Fetty Wap. Fetty Wap's music tends to have a slow tempo and a focus on melody. Songs such as "My Way," "Again," and "679" are great examples of songs that highlight his best vocal abilities while remaining accessible to singers at various skill levels.

In conclusion, to learn singing like Fetty Wap, you need to practice his unique vocal techniques, including vibrato, mixing registers, and good breathing support, while also developing a good sense of rhythm, timing, and phrasing. Combine this with a focus on the right songs and the assistance of relevant Singing Carrots resources and you'll be able to emulate the sound of Fetty Wap in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.